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مشکل بن در gta online
سلام دوستان نمیدونم چرا منو 10 ساعت پیش بن کردن و این متنی که به ایمیلم فرستادن


This is an automated message from Rockstar Games to inform you that your account has been flagged for violating our Online Features Code of Conduct and/or EULA, found here:
- http://www.rockstargames.com/conduct
- http://www.rockstargames.com/eula
Accounts can become flagged as a result of automated statistical analysis or manual review of evidence for violations such as modding, hacking, exploiting or abusing game mechanics, or otherwise interfering with other players’ gameplay experience. Some actions taken in response to these flags may result in restrictions on functionality in GTA Online, such as a muted microphone, restrictions on UGC creation, or being restricted to the Cheater or Bad Sport Pools for matchmaking.
Repeated flags will result in longer and more restrictive penalties and we may permanently restrict your ability to access GTA Online. Certain actions, such as ISO/Memory modding or selling accounts may result in an immediate permanent ban.

Please note that this is a no-reply email address.

Rockstar Games

این هم دو تا متنی که تو بازی دارم

your social club account is currently banned from grand theft auto online . you will not be able to transfer your character and progression data until the ban is lifted

social club rights have been revoked for this account

اقایون الان بن دایم یا موقت شدم جریان چیه میشه کمک کنید
مشکل تون رو باید در پست زیر مطرح کنید تا پاسخگویی انجام بشود.
[تصویر:  Wolves_ofThe_North.jpg]

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کاربرانِ درحال بازدید از این موضوع: 1 مهمان