10-06-2012, 01:02 AM
دانلود نمیکنه.لینک خراب نیست....حتی صفحه IDMهم باز مییشه ولی بعد 1دقیقه پیام میده:cannot download the file because of the timeout66:66:66:
کاش خودت اول امتحان میکردی86:86:
کاش خودت اول امتحان میکردی86:86:
Even when your kind appears to triumph...still, we rise again. And, do you know why? It is because the order is born of REALIZATIOn. We require no creed! No indoctrination by desperate, old man. All we need is that the world be as it is. And THIS is why the Templars will never be destroyed!...i