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Gamefa’s reporter: Sony’s team not comment about PlayStation 4.5
[تصویر:  ps4.5-640x338-250x132-250x132.jpg]

Mobin Ahmadi

recent news and information about PS4.5 for a long time in cyberspace is spread. and many rumours in this case will beheard. After several news release We decided to talk withSony’s team.
After I could barely (!) to talk with Sony’s support team I asked about the consul quickly.
Mobin Ahmadi from Gamefa: “Hi Good day. i’m Mobin Ahmadi One member of the Gamefa’s team.”

Sony’s support team: “Hi i’m Kendaii from sony’s support team. how can i help you today?”

Mobin Ahmadi from Gamefa: “recently spread rumours spread about PlayStation 4.5. I wanted to ask youabout this consule. Is published rumours are true? Is Sony under construction PlayStation 4.5 ?!”
after asking this question, Kendaii asked me my E-Mail and PSN ID. after that he answered:

Sony’s support team: “Sir believe me that at this point in time we can’t share any informations with you. but please stay with us. everything will be clear. Thank you that you are our user and following news. have a good day!”

Mobin Ahmadi from Gamefa: “Thank you very much Kendaii.”

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Tags: ps4.5، sony
[تصویر:  e73j_img_20160529_154741.jpg]

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