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تاپیک دانلود پچ، آپدیت و DLC بازی های PC
لطفا آپدیت های بازی رزیدنت اویل زیرو ریمستر رو قرار بدید
[تصویر:  Serv5.jpg]
(02-23-2016, 11:02 PM)Lightninghero نوشته است: سلام علیکم
لطفا تمامی اپدیت های resident evil 6 رو قرار بدید
خدمت شما
resident evil 6 update 6
این آپدیت شامل تمام 5 آپدیت قبلی می باشد.

(02-24-2016, 08:53 PM)Yves Guillemot نوشته است: لطفا آپدیت های بازی رزیدنت اویل زیرو ریمستر رو قرار بدید
برای این بازی به غیر از یک DLC Pack چیز دیگه ای منتشر نشده. اگر این DLC Pack رو خواستید بگید تا لینکش رو بهتون بدم.
[تصویر:  bazb_thevideogamegallery_29143_1200x1697.jpg]
ZHEROS Update v1.01-CODEX | ‌‌60 MB
لینک های دانلود:

لیست تغییرات:
Update v1.01:

Added option to reduce camera shake
It’s now possible to select the in-game language from the Steam game properties
Fixed language not showing correctly in game for some users
[تصویر:  crysis_wallpaper_by_sfv666-d6av2wf.jpg]
Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc Update v20160225-BAT | 4 MB

 لینک های دانلود:

لیست تغییرات:
[FIX] Fixed an issue that would cause various parts of the interface to glitch out and flicker when using the Direct3D renderer.
[FIX] Improved and more secure saving flow, should hopefully fix the lost-progress issues.
[FIX] Fixed an issue where players with sound cards not running at 48khz were experiencing audio issues.
[FIX] Fixed various sound effects appearing broken or as high-pitched static.
[FIX] Fixed pre-rendered movie audio not adhering to BGM volume setting.
[FIX] Fixed ‘What is a Mistrial’ and ‘You Must Acquit’ achievements not unlocking.
[FIX] Updated the achievement descriptions for ‘What is a Mistrial’, ‘You Must Acquit’ and ‘Not From Concentrate’ achievements to correctly reflect the fact that only a single trial needs to be completed under the conditions described.
[FIX] Improved synchronization between Music and Visuals during MTB sequences.
[FIX] Various performance improvements.
[CHANGE] Re-bound the ‘fast forward’ functionality to CTRL instead of SHIFT to prevent conflicts with the Steam Overlay.
[CHANGE] Opening the Steam Overlay will now pause the game

Grim Dawn Hotfix v1.0.0.0-BAT | 19.8 MB

لینک های دانلود:

لیست تغییرات:
v1.0.0.0 (b31 hotfix 2)

Improved duration damage critical hit display.
Fixed a bug where using the mouse wheel would cause skills to be repeatedly fired.
Fixed a bug where some in game dialogs were missing text.
Fixed a bug where freeze effects would change the texture on monsters after wearing off.
Fixed a bug where the create character button would not become active when using a controller.
Fixed a bug where the character would move when using skills with the stationary movement key pressed.

Points allocated to physique/cunning/spirit have been added to their respective tooltips.
Fixed an issue with Volley and Blazing Fury not triggering with a 2h Ranged weapon
Relic - Ancestor: Reduced % Crit damage for pets from the granted skill to 15%. This bonus was missed when % Crit damage bonuses were adjusted in B31.
Relic - Bysmiel's Domination: replaced Health Regen for pets with 10% Crit damage for pets. Frenzied Devotion now also grants Chaos damage for the player and pets.
Auto-Sort now sorts by item type first, then alphabetically
Legendary - Touch of the Everliving Grove: added 220 Health and 14% Elemental resist
Increased Resist bonuses on the base stats of Helm, Ring, Shoulder and Torso Monster Infrequents

v0.3.8.1 (b31 hotfix 1)

Add option to allow "Move To" to break destructible objects.
Fixed a bug where objects destroyed by pets would not count towards quest progress.
Fixed a bug where pets could not destroy some destructible objects.

Fixed an issue with Thermite Mines not triggering Celestial Powers
Fixed an issue with Mortar Trap and the Pet Attack command allowing it to rapid-fire.
A couple additional unique rare items have been strategically placed around lower crossing and wightmire to promote exploration.
Adjusted attribute damage bonuses down a bit. They are still higher than B30 but we felt we went a little too far and it was contributing too much extra damage to both enemies and players by higher difficulties. We didn't want to drop it much through, so we tried to rebalance further with adjustments to enemy scaling.
Enemy damage and life scaling has been adjusted across all difficulties but with the biggest reductions on elite and ultimate. This should help address the sudden increase to difficulty, felt most keenly by melee builds. This is a quick adjustment and we will continue to gather feedback and playtest to fine tune it.
[تصویر:  crysis_wallpaper_by_sfv666-d6av2wf.jpg]
لطفا تمامی dlc های بازی dead or alive 5 رو به ترتیب قرار بدید
[تصویر:  Serv5.jpg]
Fortified Update v1.0.5.0-BAT | 17 MB

لینک های دانلود:

لیست تغییرات:
Fortified patch
Added server browser for finding public games (replaces old 'Find Game' functionality)
Support for 'Windowed Fullscreen' graphics option
Fix bug that can cause game to run without Steam in some cases

Fortified patch
Text chat during multiplayer (Beta feature)
Option for turning off motion blur
Support for kicking players during a game
Support muting players during a game
Fix for assigning arrow keys as input
Fix visual errors on Direct3D 10 video cards
Known Issues:
Text chat does not work in the lobby
Grainy visuals when Anti Aliasing is set higher than Medium on Direct3D 10 video cards

Fortified patch
* Add seperate voice chat volume slider to options
* Make push-to-talk ON by default
* Controller force feedback is disabled when using mouse/keyboard input
* Fix Steam party chat so it works in game
* Fix rare crash that causes the 'Fatal Error' dialog to pop up
* Minor tweaks to some UI visuals
* Minor tweaks to character SFX

(02-26-2016, 03:30 PM)Yves Guillemot نوشته است: سلام 
لطفا تمامی dlc های بازی dead or alive 5 رو به ترتیب قرار بدید

به ترتیب
Setting Fix
DLC Pack 1
Update v20150408
Update v20150617
Update 2 v1.04
DLC Pack 3 v1.04
Update 5 v1.04 Hotfix 3
DLC Pack 4 V1.04 Hotfix 3 20151215
[تصویر:  crysis_wallpaper_by_sfv666-d6av2wf.jpg]
تمام آپدیت ها و dlc های بازی mortal kombat x رو میخوام از اول تا هر چی که بوده لطفا
Update half life 2 2015 please
Grim Dawn Update v1.0.0.1-BAT
Size: 43.99 MB
       We've included update patches to update game from:
       Grim.Dawn-RELOADED or
       Grim.Dawn-RELOADED with Grim.Dawn.Hotfix.v1.0.0.0-BAT
       The crack included in this update fixes additional crack
       related problems that were still present in yesterdays
       release (Grim.Dawn.Hotfix.v1.0.0.0.Crackfix-BAT).


[تصویر:  Wolves_ofThe_North.jpg]
سلام تمامی اپدیت ها بازی fallout 4 خواستم S0 (24)

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کاربرانِ درحال بازدید از این موضوع: 5 مهمان