06-19-2015, 03:58 PM
(06-19-2015, 02:13 PM)Dark Vampire نوشته است: این یک مغلطه حساب میشه این نقد حتی نزدیک به نقد های گیم اسپات هم نیست چرا که حتی کوچکترین شناختی نسبت به شخصیت ها پیدا نمیکنید
فکر کنم کلا نقد و بررسی گیم اسپات رو نخوندی! ---> نقد و بررسی The Evil Within
به نقل از گیم اسپات:
نقلقول:At the center of it all is Sebastian Castellanos, a detective called in to investigate a vicious collection of murders at a local mental hospital. The brief preamble leading up to this investigation is all the calm The Evil Within can muster, because from then on Castellanos is sent tumbling through a twisted and only occasionally coherent story involving supernatural apparitions, gruesome monsters, and a seemingly infinite series of nightmarish backdrops.
کل توضیحات داده شده در مورد سباستین همیناست و در ادامه مقاله حتی کلمه "سباستین" هم تکرار نشده چه برسه به موشکافی عواطف شخصیت ها ;)
مقاله IGN ---> نقد و بررسی The Evil Within
به نقل از IGN:
نقلقول:In part, this narrative wrapper is undermined by the rather lifeless player character, Detective Sebastian Castellanos, who is emotionless and cool to the point of parody. Sebastian still quips mundanitieslike “what is going on here?” after hours of facing the kind of monsters that would drive the average person into a jabbering wreck. It’s hard to care about the stakes when it appears that he doesn’t, even if his calm detachment - “I must be losing it!” - is on occasion darkly comic.
مقاله Eurogamer ---> نقد و بررسی The Evil Within
به نقل از Eurogamer:
نقلقول:The Evil Within opens with the psychologically wrecked detective Sebastian Castellanos arriving at a mental hospital surrounded by the flash and wail of police cars and ambulances. The few seconds it takes for the building's double doors to creak open are all the time that the game bothers to spend on creating an initial sense of tension and dread. Inside the entrance, Castellanos finds a multitude of bloodied, slumped corpses.
مقاله Gamesrader ---> نقد و بررسی The Evil Within
به نقل از Gamesrader:
نقلقول:The Evil Within stars Sebastian Castellanos, a detective dragged into a horrific nightmare world by a psychotic phantom. While he scrambles to understand how exactly he got strung up in a butcher shop specializing in human meat, the world around him immediately jumps to attention.
شناخت شخصیت تا حدی که به تجربه بازیکن صدمه نزنه و پیچیدگی داستان براش اسپویل نشه خوبه، نه اینکه بیایم حتی زندگی شخصی سباستین رو بازگو کنیم ;)
Over my dead body I'm taking you
![[تصویر: Resident-Evil-6-Underground-Nightmare-1.png]](http://www.gamervescent.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Resident-Evil-6-Underground-Nightmare-1.png)