03-05-2016, 01:33 AM
Age of Mythology Extended Edition Update v2.1.1007290-BAT | 155 MB
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لیست تغییرات:
Save files from previous versions should now load correctly.
Recorded games from previous versions should now load correctly.
Please note that replays from the original 2.0 patch through to the hotfix 2 patch will not load correctly. Saves from these builds do however function correctly.
Chinese Villager and Shared Settlement hotkeys now function correctly.
Multiplayer chat lobby now displays text correctly and in the appropriate order.
Limits for Chinese units in Lightning games have been added.
Set’s animals now attack correctly.
Shennong siege units are now consistent with other siege units.
Chinese generals can no longer buff titan units.
Monk units now play the correct sound when trained.
Halberdiers, Mounted Archers and the Crenellations now have the correct attack bonus against Hero Contarius.
Greek and Chinese Siege Ships now have the correct attack bonus against Gates
Chinese AI now gathers more favor when it has no myth units.
Tale of the Dragon: Scenario 4: The scenario now correctly advances when a wonder is built.
Tale of the Dragon: Scenario 8: The player no longer automatically loses if their town center is destroyed and their heroes die.