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تاپیک دانلود پچ، آپدیت و DLC بازی های PC
سلام به درخواستام کسی پاسخ نداد. پیدا کردم بعضیاش رو
فقط بسته ی الحاقی FarCry 4 همراه با تموم آپدیت هاش رو میخواستم و
بسته ی الحاقی Assassins Creed Black Flag
صبحدم چون کله بندد آه دود آسای من
چون شفق در خون نشیند چشم خون پالای من
(09-15-2016, 02:44 AM)Injured نوشته است: سلام به درخواستام کسی پاسخ نداد. پیدا کردم بعضیاش رو
فقط بسته ی الحاقی FarCry 4 همراه با تموم آپدیت هاش رو میخواستم و
بسته ی الحاقی Assassins Creed Black Flag

متاسفانه نیست و تنها راه نسخه ی 1.10 فیت گرل هست یا نسخه ی کمپلت بازی
اسسینز هم کدوم نسخه رو میخوایید؟ چندتا DLC داره.
[تصویر:  crysis_wallpaper_by_sfv666-d6av2wf.jpg]
Mantis Burn Racing Update v20161016-BAT | 83 MB



** NO Changelog List **
[تصویر:  crysis_wallpaper_by_sfv666-d6av2wf.jpg]
(09-15-2016, 02:44 AM)Injured نوشته است: سلام به درخواستام کسی پاسخ نداد. پیدا کردم بعضیاش رو
فقط بسته ی الحاقی FarCry 4 همراه با تموم آپدیت هاش رو میخواستم و
بسته ی الحاقی Assassins Creed Black Flag

لینک دانلود
خود بازی به همراه دی ال سی بازی هست که میتونید دانلود کنید
[تصویر:  photo_2019_02_09_09_12_52.jpg]
The Girl and the Robot Update v1.004-BAT | 23 MB



** NO Changelog List **
[تصویر:  crysis_wallpaper_by_sfv666-d6av2wf.jpg]
Battle Fantasia Revised Edition Update v1.01-BAT | 107 MB



** NO Changelog List **
[تصویر:  crysis_wallpaper_by_sfv666-d6av2wf.jpg]
برای shadow warrior 2 اپدیت اومده؟
رو فیتگرل جواب میده؟
(10-21-2016, 09:36 PM)Please نوشته است: برای shadow warrior 2 اپدیت اومده؟
رو فیتگرل جواب میده؟

آپدیت و پچ اومده. پچ برای نسخه GOG هست.
دانلود اپدیت با حجم 9MB از TrainbiT سرور ایران
نقل‌قول: آپدیت V1.1.2.0
  1. محتویات آپدیت را در محل نصب بازی کپی کنید.
  2. patch.bat را اجرا کنید و چند دقیقه صبر کنید!
  3. از تایید شدن فایل های بازی اطمینان حاصل فرمایید.
حالا نسخه بازی شما از (GOG(v1.1 به Steam v1.1.2.0 به همراه کرک 3DM تبیدل شده است.
اخطار!:اگر نسخه FitGirl بازی را بدون Optional Videos نصب کرده اید این آپدیت عمل نخواهد کرد!!پس در این صورت بازی را آپدیت نکنید!
همچنین قبل از آپدیت کردن بازی را در محلی دیگر  کپی کنید.(backup)
[تصویر:  Wolves_ofThe_North.jpg]
Dark Souls III Update v1.08-CODEX | 1.8 GB

** Changelog List **

   Update v1.08:
   •     Adjusted poise values across the board. Poise is now more effective for heavier weapons and armor.
   •     Improved regular attack animations of hammer category weapons.
   •     Improved regular attack animations of greatsword category weapons.
   •     Improved regular attack animations of axe category weapons.
   •     Improved regular attack animations of fist category weapons.
   •     Improved the "Neck Swipe" weapon skill animation of scythe category weapons.
   •     Fixed a bug where strong attacks performed using whips would not deal additional ·damage when fully charged.
   •     Fixed a bug where strong attacks performed using the Pickaxe would consume stamina multiple times per attack.
   •     Adjusted the "Onislayer" weapon skill hitbox timings for Onikiri and Ubadachi.
   •     Adjusted the hitbox timings of the claw category weapon skill "Leaping Slash".
   •     Fixed a bug where rolling attacks on Astora's Greatsword could not be parried.
   •     Improved the "Wrath of the Gods" weapon skill animation for Wornir's Holy Sword.
   •     Improved the "Blind Spot" weapon skill animation for Corvian Greatknife and Handmaiden's Dagger.
   •     Improved the "Shield Splitter" weapon skill animation for Mail Breaker and Irithyll Rapier.
   •     Improved the "Wolf Leap" weapon skill animation for Old Wolf Curved Sword.
   •     The weapon skill of Old King's Great Hammer "Molten Perseverence" will now release lava on both hits.
   •     Improved the "Darkdrift" weapon skill animation for Darkdrift.
   •     Reduced effectiveness of rolling attack animations on Gotthard Twinswords while dual wielding.
   •     Increased effectiveness of the sorcery "Pestilent Mercury".
   •     Improved the cast animation of miracle "Lifehunt Scythe".
   •     Increased poison and toxic buildup of the pyromancies "Poison Mist" and "Toxis Mist", respectively.
   •     Increased durability damage buildup of the pyromancy "Acid Surge".
   •     Increased duration of the "Warcry" weapon skill.
   •     Fixed a bug where the player's lock-on target would automatically change even if "Toggle auto lock-on" was set to "OFF".
   •     Fixed a bug where the leader board for Darkmoon Knights would display incorrect statistics.
   •     Fixed a bug where the fog wall near Holy Knight Hodrick would sometimes not disappear during multiplayer even after defeating him.
   •     Fixed a bug where Orbeck of Vinheim would sometimes die before the player purchased all his spells.
   •     Fixed a bug where Patches and Greirat would never return if sent to steal after defeating all bosses.
   •     Fixed a bug where female characters were subject to counter damage during certain movement animations.
   •     Fixed a bug where equipping Vordt's Great Hammer or Irithyll Straight Sword in the left hand would cause enchantments to disappear from weapons in the right hand.
   •     Fixed a bug where two-handing certain weapons would cause the stealth effect on Slumbering Dragoncrest Ring to not work correctly.
   •     Fixed a bug where Hornet Ring was not working for claw category weapons.
   •     Fixed a bug where dash attacks could not be performed using Farron Greatsword.
   •     Fixed a bug where strong attacks using Lothric Knight Sword were not dealing thrust type damage.
   •     Fixed a bug where dash attacks using Onikiri and Ubadachi were not dealing thrust type damage.
   •     Addressed other game balance issues and fixed other flaws.

Cossacks 3 Update v1. | 27.7 MB



** Changelog List **

   Update 20161010:
   v1. (3.10.2016)
   1. Map generation process has been changed. Part of generation process was pre-cached. That improves speed of generation and may fix some crashes on game start.
   2. Added sound of officers orders, drummer and bagpiper.
   3. "Space" - hotkey now moves camera to selected units.
   4. Increased volume for peasant selection.
   5. RazerIngameEngine.exe process added as a process that may lead to low performance and game random crashes.
   Multiplayer and Internet shell
   1. Fixed critical bug, when player on client side, was able to place several buildings on one place at once. Which lead to game synchronization error, usually at game start. AKA GameObject error.
   2. Fixed bug, when room master start game, and some clients didn't start map generation and stay in multiplayer room. Led to wrong start of the game.
   3. Fixed bugs that led to game start fails, and when all players are loaded, but game stay on "waiting for player" state.
   4. Fixed issue, when 8+ players was able to join room before game start. Led to wrong start of the game.
   5. Possibility to join internet shell using editor.exe is blocked. Some users made game broken.
   6. Creating new profile using in-game tools, now save internet login and cd-key to new profile.
   7. We started process of separating players to different servers, based on player’s language. Player can choose any server as before, but as default, we propose server based on your language. This should brig better experience. We will make US server soon.
   8. Possibility of entering an invalid email during registration is fixed.
   9. Added # mark for private/password protected rooms in internet shell. It will be changed to proper image soon.
   10. Annoying interface click sound in internet shell is removed.
   11. You can scroll internet shell faster with "Ctrl" key pressed.(using mouse-scroll).
   12. Session counter in internet shell now works properly. (4.10.16)
   1. Fixed lags with wall placing.
   2. Fixed the "Access Violation" crash that happened on maps with water, that occurred when any player tried to load his units onto ferries.
   3. Fixed random "Access Violation" crashes related to AI, that used ferries.
   4. Tuned some AI behavior related to ferries. Previously, it may have happened when a built ferry couldn't moor a coast and the game dynamic slowed.
   5. Tuned AI behavior of building ports. Now AI prioritizes it and this increases the game’s dynamic.
   6. When ordering squad to load onto a ferry, it now properly updates/removes selection from units (yellow circles on the ground).
   7. A ship are now always build at the same location near the port, ferries don’t affect it anymore.
   8. If player’s PC got 8 GB of RAM or more, all textures of buildings and models will be preloaded into memory. Previously, only initial buildings were preloaded. This should remove lags and stutters while a player moves his camera over enemy city, destructs buildings or builds high-tier buildings.
   9. Fixed some bugs in French localization: long names on buttons, text names and description for tutorial campaign missions.
   1. We’ve fixed the occasional desynchronization of time between a host and players. From now on the game speed is the same for everyone. This also fixes the bug with invisible armies, strange behavior of peasants and lag in response of some units.
   2. Peace Time is now displayed correctly for everyone.
   3. Peace Time won’t appear in matches where it wasn’t set anymore.
   4. For MP, we’ve changed a behavior of ESCAPE button and a “Close” button in the victory/defeat message. Now they close the message and allow to continue the game as a spectator while Backspace buttons disconnects you from the match.
   5. We’ve implemented 4 new messages for various situations in the multiplayer. Now the game will notify everyone when: a host quits the session and the game cannot be continued; when a host loses his connection; when a player quits; when a player loses his connection. (5.10.16)
   List of new additions:
   1. Unique Early Bird badge, which will distinguish you among other players as an early backer!
   2. Owners of Early Bird Edition get a display priority in the multiplayer shell user list!
   3. Your bonus campaign has arrived! Participate in three brand new missions, available at your campaign selection screen!
   4. Unique units for Early Bird enlistees: Turkish archer and light cavalry mercenaries, that have been available since the release date.
   5. Among other goodies, Deluxe Edition owners can finally get their hands on an uncompressed OST of Cossacks 3. You can find it at %YourSteamFolder%\Cossacks 3\Cossacks 3 OST.
   6. We’ve also made the multiplayer shell window a bit wider, so that you’d get more room for breathing. (10.10.2016)
   1. Issues with synchronization and “GameObject” error messages some players had are now fixed. Multiplayer games should be significantly more stable now, especially for players with bad connection.
   1. Fixed crash (Access Violation error) on water maps, related to creation of squads by AI after using ferries.
   2. Fixed crash (Access Violation error) on water maps, which was caused by AI being spawn on small islands, with insignificant amount of resource nodes.
   3. Selection frame is now more optimized.
   4. Fixed bug, when some player couldn’t get achievements in Single Player (there is still a known issue, when some players won’t get any achievements)
   5. Fixed the interface, gold income will now be displayed correctly.
   6. Fixed bug, when Algeria players wouldn’t get any military units at the start of the session, despite “Big Army” setting being turned on by the host.
   7. Fixes in Czech and Polish localizations.
[تصویر:  crysis_wallpaper_by_sfv666-d6av2wf.jpg]
Viking Squad Update v1.012-BAT | 18.7 MB



** Changelog List **

   Viking Squad update 1.012
   Hello fellow vikings, we have a new patch including several requested features
   and bug fixes!
   In this update we've added an in game combo list, mouse support to menu screens
   and balanced a few things based on your feedback. Also stay tuned for some more
   exciting features in the next few weeks.
   Thanks for playing and keep on pillaging!
   - Added combo list to control menu
   - Added Mouse support for menus
   - Increased luck on goggles
   - Tuned Yeti's multi punch attack so it's snapper and more consistent in its timing
   - Fixed small area where players could fall and get stuck on goat island
   - Better crash log reporting
   - Fixed low chance crash in the hit detection syst
[تصویر:  crysis_wallpaper_by_sfv666-d6av2wf.jpg]

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