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تاپیک دانلود پچ، آپدیت و DLC بازی های PC
Hybrid Wars Update v4.88 Incl DLC-BAT
Size: 940.64 MB

Minecraft 1 6 2 Cracked Online Laucher-BlackPulse|18 MB

How to use it :

   Start ” BlackPulse Minecraft Launcher x64″ if your OS is x64 ( 64bit ).
   Start ” BlackPulse Minecraft Launcher ” if your OS is x86 ( 32bit ).
   To play offline enter your username and press “submit”.
   If you want to try demo minecraft (demo world) leave it empty and press “submit” next screen just enter any “username” and press “Log In”.
   If you want to play with your premium account follow demo steps but enter your premium “username” and “password” press “Log In”.
   For 3 types wait complete Download or update .
   Press “play ” .
   Enjoy and don’t forget to share it with your friends
[تصویر:  Wolves_ofThe_North.jpg]
Through the Woods Update v20161029-BAT | 2.37 GB


*** No Changelog List ***
[تصویر:  crysis_wallpaper_by_sfv666-d6av2wf.jpg]
Hero Defense Haunted Island Update v1.4.0 incl DLC-BAT | 421 MB



*** No Changelog List ***
[تصویر:  crysis_wallpaper_by_sfv666-d6av2wf.jpg]
Ashes of the Singularity Update v1.4-CODEX | 1.25 GB



   Update v1.4:
       1. The unit AI continues to improve. This is a big challenge in a game like Ashes because you can't use "formations"
          in the traditional sense. Your armies are supposed to take care of guarding each other and being smart on their
          own when you create them. This improvement should be immediately obvious.
       2. Balance improvements. This is another area that should be pretty obvious, especially to top players.
          The Athena's primary weapon no longer targets buildings. It has a secondary weapon that will but it does relatively little damage.
          The Zeus has gotten tougher and the capital ships a lot tougher but also more logistics intensive.
       3. The tactical unit AI, which is a different system, is smarter. This will be most obvious with the Destructor (Substrate)
          which not only does more damage but is much better about hanging back out of trouble to destroy buildings.
   Update v1.32:
       Improved the "game speed" functionality to prevent inconsistent gameplay behaviours in the campaign and skirmishes.
       All weapon modules now start with cooldown at 0. This means all weapons will fire immediately after being built.
       Players will no longer be able to build any unit by selecting another building and (very quickly) pressing the previous factory's hotkey.
       Aircraft no longer stop moving when issued a stop command. This addresses an exploit in which a player spams stop and gets the aircraft to hover over a target.
       Fixed a GWG issue that caused flashing lights and white circles to appear around buildings
       Optimized shaders to improve performance.
       Updated Computronium (resource lines) appearance to blend better with the environment.
   Update v1.30
   New Features
       We have added map ping to the game. So you can ping a location on the map that only your teammates can see.
       You can now see if there are any available multiplayer games from the main menu.
       Units are much more responsive to commands.
       Units will now prioritize getting to their location over joining a distant formation
       Improved T3 movement and physics that prevents them from clumping up and/or fighting each other for ideal firing position.
       Selecting a node will display boosts
       Explosion/impacts now appear closer to the unit's surface.
       Armies now spend less time getting into formation and more time fighting
   New Maps
       Maurn - Charge across the central bridge toward the enemy base or gun for the victory points around the flanks in this small two-player map
       Urich - This wide-open desert with long routes to the enemy base encourages massive clashes between skilled opponents on a medium, two-player map.
       Tortuga - The central valley holds all the victory points and most of the riches, but short paths along the edge lead to enemy bases in this small four-player map.
       Pulaski - Small but rich pockets of resources dot the winding canyons of this medium, four-player map.
       Monaco - Two bridges: a short route to the north, and a resource-rich but longer path to the south. Which way to victory in this tiny two-player arena?
   Bug Fixes
       Fixed an issue that was keeping the panel labels from showing up on the orbital display.
       Dreadnoughts won't clip through each other anymore.
       Quantum Health Upgrade now applies to queued units.
       Fixed a rare host migration issue (ie: failure when the person hosting the game leaves and another player needs to become the new host).
       Large units will no longer incorrectly switch to lower resolutions textures when viewed from specific camera angle
       Fixed crash if sitting in main menu on Steam build, but not connected to Steam
       Fixed a Memory leak in async GPU code.
       Fixed a problem where match results were being sent after the lobby was gone causing a crash
       Fixing a bug where a host could get themselves into an MP game by themselves by changing the lone user or AI they are playing against to an open, closed, or observer slot at the end of the game start countdown.
       The game will no longer crash on startup if the audio device is missing or disabled.
       Updated the audio mix to prevent battle sounds from overwhelming the music.
       Call Avatar Quanta increased from 45 to 90
       Call Avatar Quanta increase per use reduced from 15% to 100
[تصویر:  crysis_wallpaper_by_sfv666-d6av2wf.jpg]
پچ اپدیت و درست کردن تیم های pes 2017 رو می خوام
[تصویر:  imtduxwtzx4q69ijzrl1.jpg]
(10-31-2016, 09:00 PM)The Grand Tour نوشته است: پچ اپدیت و درست کردن تیم های pes 2017 رو می خوام
در حال حاضر آپدیت کرک شده ای برای PES 17 نیومده.

Zygor Guides Update v6.0.14837|18.3 MB



*** No Changelog List ***
[تصویر:  crysis_wallpaper_by_sfv666-d6av2wf.jpg]
Police Tactics Imperio Update v1 2004-BAT|65.6 MB

[تصویر:  Wolves_ofThe_North.jpg]
Karma Incarnation 1 Update v20161027-BAT | 170 MB


*** No Changelog List ***
[تصویر:  crysis_wallpaper_by_sfv666-d6av2wf.jpg]
Killing Room Update v1.37.1-CODEX
Size: 2,83 GB
     - Extract
     - Run setup.exe and install update
     - Copy crack from CODEX dir to installdir
     - Play
       You need the following releases for this :


       Notes: This Update includes the new 32bit version of the game, that the
              devs recently added. You will find that in the Win32 dir.
              Everyone else use the setup from the Win64 dir in order to update
              the 64bit version you already have installed (Killing.Room-CODEX)

     - Block the game's exe in your firewall to prevent the game from
       trying to go online ..
     - If you install games to your systemdrive, it may be necessary
       to run this game with admin privileges instead

Office Freakout Update v1.0.2-BAT
Size: 886 MB

1.0.2 Patch

   Optimized load times
   Level Streaming added
   Rage Meter optimizations
   Destruction Orbs removed
   More feedback functionality to melee
   And lots of bug fixes
   5 new Halloween Levels
   20 new Spooky Halloween Patterns
   2 Halloween Arm Skins
   Zombert AI Added
   New Rage Weapon (The Prime Stake!)
[تصویر:  Wolves_ofThe_North.jpg]
Pro Cycling Manager 2016 v1.8.0.0 Update-SKIDROW | 242 MB


Changelog List:
Pro Cycling Manager 2016 v1.8.0.0 Update changelog:


Added: option to deactivate race-day condition and feeling good in multiplayer mode.

Fixed: stop tournament countdowns when the player is disconnected, kicked, ... to prevent P2P crash.
Fixed: temporary kick players who join a tournament while it is launching.
Fixed: make sure the connection to NAT traversal is closed when deleting the tournament.
Fixed: player rank displayed even if he has 0 points.
Fixed: crash when pressing the calendar button on tournament during synchronization.
Fixed: display errors when trying to join a tournament.
Fixed: temporary kick popup not appearing.

Various fixes
Fixed: crash on startup since caused by changed of backup save filename ( users.cdb~ -> users.bkp ).
Fixed: time trial show profile and checkpoints full rankings.
Fixed: order panel refresh for Time trials.
Fixed: replay page button position on low res.
[تصویر:  crysis_wallpaper_by_sfv666-d6av2wf.jpg]

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