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دیالوگ های بیاد ماندنی بازی
این تایپیک را زدم که اگه کسی دیالوگ زیبایی داری از بازی اینجا بنویسه
اولین دیالوگ هم از مکس 3
بدبخت بیچاره از جنازه اش هیچی نمونده بود حالا قبر هم براش زدن!
منبع : https://gamefa.com/18022/%D8%B2%D9%86%D8...8C%D9%863/

? The world as you knew it, It's gone; How far will you go the bring it back

Crysis 2

Welcome to the future son, Welcome to the war

Homefront 2

You will never know a man until his freedom is taken away
مطمئن شید که قوانین رو خودندید, قبل از اینکه پیام خصوصی بدید.
Ezio Auditore: Requiscant in Pace
Dead Space 2 Ellie Langford: You owe me an eye Isaac
Dead Space 2 Nicole Brennon: Make Us Whole
Deus Ex: HR Faridah Malik: Get them hell for me Adam
هم چنین لحظه درمان کردن Genophage توسط دکتر Mordin Solus در Mass Effect 3 هنگامی که وارد در حال سوختن شد دارای دیالوگ های بسیار تاثیر گذاری بود که یادم نیست!!!! ولی خیلی غم انگیز بود!Confused41:Confused41:Confused41:Confused41:Confused41:

"وارد برج در حال سوخت شد!
مکس در مکس پين:
1-دختر خوبی بود. آدمکش خونسردی نبود. حالا جسد خونسردی بود.
2-در سرزمین کورها مرد یک چشم شاه است.
3-فرشته ها را نمی دانم ولی به آدمها ترس بال می دهد.
هرچی دیالوگ بود یادم رفت
این میشه؟
توخیلی قوی هستی ولی برای خدابودن کوچیکی.ههاااااا کریتوس
اوه آره .
اتزیو در هنگام دیدن apple fo edden در آخر بازی ACR که خطاب به apple گفت :
No You Must Be HereConfused86: . I had Seen Enough For One Life
دیالوگ های فوق العاده سم فیشر همیشه جاودانه خواهد بود....:
[تصویر:  images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTMbfHqbCvtI53VLHG1kGG...XjPFsuKvC0]
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
Sam Fisher: Lasers? Lasers are so...
?Anna: Nineties
Sam Fisher: I was going to say "seventies". Could you please stop making me feel old?
Anna: I've got bad news for you, Sam, you *are* old.
Sam Fisher: Talk, but talk quietly.
!Guard: I'll tell you anything. I'm the biggest coward you've ever met.
Sam: Let me guess, 3 alarms and mission over?

Lambert: No Sam, this is not a video game
SAM FISHER :Tell me about the meeting
?MERCENARY :The meeting? Why do you want to know about the meeting
SAM FISHER :See, that's not the way it works. I ask you a question, and you give me an answer that prevents me from breaking your head.
یادش بخیر این یکی...:
It seems Mr. Sykes was right! Our Mr. Fisher is a traitor and a spy, and for that, he dies. Kill Fisher on sight!
اینو امیلیو میگفت ...جایی که فهمید سم جاسوسه!
حالا بریم کانویکشن
این جمله دومین جمله ی معروف بازی:
Andrei Kobin: This is bigger than your daughter, this is bigger than both of us. The people who did this... you can't hide from them!
?Sam Fisher: Who said anything about hiding
تریلر: سم فیشر یک اسپلینتر سل رو میگره و رو به بقیه شون میگه:
!What happens next is up to you
خب اینم معروف ترین جمله های این بازی(محکومیت):
Victor Coste: Understand this: the Sam Fisher you knew is dead, and we're the ones who killed him. We asked too much, pushed him too far, took away everything he had. And they tell ya what? It's all part of the job... Back when I knew Sam in the Gulf, he was different. He was never the sunniest guy around, but he was human, he was part of the team. *We* were a team. Sam trusts me, and I believe in his conviction. Anything he needs, I'll get it for him. They made him what he is: fixer, killer, the answer to all the questions you don't want to ask. But he's off the leash and goin' after answers. I know what he wants... and right now I'm glad I'm not you.
Never Compromise.
Not even in the face
of Armageddon ...
 [تصویر:  96034497370603282689.gif]  
بچه ها بیاید دیالوگ بگید دیگه...این تاپیک نخوابهConfused66:
Never Compromise.
Not even in the face
of Armageddon ...
 [تصویر:  96034497370603282689.gif]  
Assassins Creed II Lucy Stillman: What's done is done Desmond
Batman: AC Talia: Accept your destiny, accept our destiny
Tomb Raider 2013 Lara Croft: I finally set-upped made my mark to find adventure but instead adventure found me
خب....دیالوگهای کاراکتر برتر سال 2011...
آدام جــــــــــــــنــــــــــــــــــســـــــــــــــــــــــــن
[تصویر:  adam_jensen_icon_by_krysalid-d3529e6.png]
"I never asked for this."
"If you wanna make enemies... try to change something."
"I'll never stop looking."
(Sarif: "Welcome back Adam, you look like a new man.") - Adam Jensen: "Right. Fresh out of the package."
“Twice the scum in half the space...”
"Call me if you need any back-up!"
"What'd he do? Steal your girlfriend?"
"Don't try to bull a bullter."
اینم یه دیالوگ از داخل تریلر:
"Who we are is but a stepping stone to what we can become. ..." (narrator)
"Corporations have more power than the government." (Adam)
"The body may heal, but the mind is not always so resilient." (Scientist)
"Men like us... we never get back the things we love." (Unknown)
Never Compromise.
Not even in the face
of Armageddon ...
 [تصویر:  96034497370603282689.gif]  

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