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رفع مشکلات بازی The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt
(10-18-2015, 10:25 PM)mazi1375 نوشته است:
(10-18-2015, 02:44 PM)mazi1375 نوشته است: برای من همش یک فایل میاره و مینویسه witcher3.exe_crash_20150917_101302530.crashinfo( اسمه فایل هست)
چیک ار کنم؟؟ :(

سلام دوست عزیز
شما بازی رو آپدیت کردید؟ برنامه های جانبی مثل DX، .net و c++ رو تمام نسخه های اون رو نصب کردید؟ کارت گرافیم خودتون رو آپدیت کردید؟
در سایت های خارجی بعضی از کاربران با انجام این کار ها مشکل کرش کردن بازی رو حل کرده بودند. اگر این ها هم جواب نداد بازی رو پاک کنی دو دوباره نصب کنی د و فقط پچ روز اول و آپدیت 1.10 رو دانلود و نصب کنید و اگر هم مایل بودید 16 DLC به همراه DLC داستانی جدید بازی رو دانلود و نصب کنید.

(10-18-2015, 11:14 PM)Dark Vampire نوشته است: این DLC New Finisherرو نفهمیدیم از کجا بگیریم!
شما از پست اول 16 dlc بازی رو دانلود و نصب کنید تا این قابلیت به بازی شما اضافه بشه.
[تصویر:  bazb_thevideogamegallery_29143_1200x1697.jpg]
حاجی از اونجا چجوری دانلود میکنی شماره موبایل می خواد!
من از یه سایت ایرانی دانلود کردم
(10-19-2015, 01:38 PM)Dark Vampire نوشته است: حاجی از اونجا چجوری دانلود میکنی شماره موبایل می خواد!
من از یه سایت ایرانی دانلود کردم
هیچ کدوم از این سایت ها برای دانلود شماره موبایل نمی خواد. این لینک ها رو من خودم تست می کنم. خب اگه از یه سایت ایرانی دانلود کردی حتما توجه کن که نسخه ی GOG رو داشته باشه و نسخه ای که دانلود می کنی با نسخه ی بازیت یکی باشه.
[تصویر:  bazb_thevideogamegallery_29143_1200x1697.jpg]
(10-19-2015, 01:38 PM)Dark Vampire نوشته است: حاجی از اونجا چجوری دانلود میکنی شماره موبایل می خواد!
من از یه سایت ایرانی دانلود کردم

برای دانلود دی ال سی ها از لینک uptobox که در پست اول گزاشته شده استفاده بکنید.
من میخوام اپدیت 1.10 رو نصب کنم وسطش ارور میزنه the disk structure is corrupted and unreadable.
مشکلم حل شد هرکی این مشکلو داشت فایل iso رو با virual drive یا daemon tools یا هر نرم افزار دیگه ای مونت نکنن. در عوض با Winrar اکسترکت کنن فایل iso رو.بعد نصب کنن.
S0 (2)
اقا تو ویچر وسایل مورد نیاز ساختن بمب رو از کجا باید پیدا کرد؟؟؟
(10-23-2015, 03:58 PM)adib نوشته است: سلام
اقا تو ویچر وسایل مورد نیاز ساختن بمب رو از کجا باید پیدا کرد؟؟؟

با استفاده از لوت هایی که از کسانی که میکشید
و البته جمع آوری گیاهانی که در جنگل و غیره هستن
با سلام
آپدیت 1.11 بازی با حجم 457 مگ منتشر و به پست اول افزوده شد.
نصب این آپدیت باید آپدیت 1.10 رو نصب داشته باشید.
با تشکر از کاربر saeedgreat بابت اطلاع رسانی
لیست تغییرات این آپدیت هم به شرح زیر است.

نقل‌قول: PATCH 1.11 CHANGELOG
● Fixes issue whereby items needed for Achievement titled I Wore Ofieri Before It was Cool could
not be acquired from Ofieri merchant.
● Fixes issue whereby glyphs added within Hearts of Stone expansion would disappear from slots
subsequent to game being saved and loaded.
● Alters difficulty balance of arachnomorphs in quest titled Open Sesame! forming part of Hearts
of Stone expansion.
● Fixes issue whereby cellar could be looted without fighting archgriffin in quest titled A Surprise
Inheritance forming part of Hearts of Stone expansion.
● Fixes issue whereby Roach could appear to change into a black mare with Hearts of Stone
expansion installed.
● Fixes issue whereby some players could not sell anything to Countess Mignole.
● Alters difficulty balance of bosses in Hearts of Stone expansion, adding distinct statistics for
individual difficulty levels.
● Renders selection of items from Hearts of Stone expansion transferable to New Game + mode.
● Fixes issue whereby master blacksmiths could craft Venomous Viper set. Said set now craftable
only by grandmaster blacksmiths.
● Adds resistance to knockdown by Aard Sign to Ofieri Mage in Hearts of Stone expansion.
● Fixes issue whereby Enchant effect was removed from armor when armor was transferred into
New Game + mode.
● Fixes issue whereby arachnomorphs were immune to effects of Dancing Star bomb.
● Adds entries for Enchanting feature to Glossary and Tutorials.
● Introduces a number of changes to difficulty balance in New Game + mode.
● Fixes issue whereby combat could prevent players from unequipping censer item.
● Improves performance in Oxenfurt sewers location.
● Fixes issue whereby players had to buy Ofieri set from merchant to start quest titled From
Ofier's Distant Shores.
● Fixes rare issue whereby objective remained incorrectly marked as incomplete under certain
scenarios in quest titled Dead Man's Party in Hearts of Stone expansion.
● Fixes issue whereby minor quest titled Tinker, Hunter, Soldier, Spy was not tracked in Treasure
Hunts tab in Journal.
● Fixes issue whereby minor quest titled The Sword, Famine and Perfidy was not tracked in
Treasure Hunts tab in Journal.
● Fixes issue whereby Vlodimir claimed to have rescued fireeater
even if said character was
killed during quest titled Dead Man's Party.
● Fixes issue whereby highlights indicating memories in quest titled Scenes From a Marriage in
Hearts of Stone expansion were adversely affected with Colorblind
mode activated.
● Improves depiction of rivers and waterfalls in multiple locations throughout Hearts of Stone
● Fixes issue whereby rain could be seen falling in Oxenfurt sewers during Hearts of Stone
● Fixes issue whereby rain was visible inside lighthouse located north west of Temple Isle.
● Fixes issue whereby rainfall could occur inside Temple of Lilvani in Hearts of Stone expansion.
● Alters shadow drawing processes in Oxenfurt in Hearts of Stone expansion.
● Fixes issue whereby number of insects appearing was excessive when players equipped Roach
with item called Caparison of Lament.
● Adds missing download image for Skellige Armor content.
● Fixes issue in DLC quests whereby occasionally human foes could have empty Health bars and
could not be killed.
● Adds missing interaction to chest in quest titled Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear.
● Fixes issue whereby Nilfgaardian gauntlets could cause unsightly red box to appear beneath
Geralt's feet.
● Fixes incorrect appearance of notice starting quest titled Where the Cat and Wolf Play... on
notice board in Oreton.
● Fixes issue occasionally preventing players from completing quest titled Skellige’s Most
● Fixes issue preventing players from starting quest titled Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear.
● Fixes issue preventing players from examining pigs during quest titled Fool's Gold.
● Fixes rare instances of pig spawning incorrectly during quest titled Fool's Gold.
● Fixes duplication of werewolf corpse after quest titled Contract: Skellige's Most Wanted has
been completed.
● Fixes issue whereby declining quest titled Contract: Skellige's Most Wanted resulted in display
of incorrect objective.
● Fixes visual issue, occurring in certain scenes, with necklace included in Triss' alternative look.
● Fixes assorted issues with quest and enemy scaling in New Game + mode.
● Modifies diagram for Enhanced Legendary Wolven Gauntlets, now craftable without Griffin
● Fixes rare issue whereby one monster in quest titled Contract: Phantom of the Trade Route
could prove invincible.
● Fixes issue whereby fully charged Rend ability would deal less damage than intended.
● Fixes issue whereby foe could be attacked again after fight in quest titled Fists of Fury:
Champion of Champions.
● Fixes issue whereby some merchants were selling merchandise balanced for 7180
level range
in New Game + mode.
● Fixes issue whereby some item statistics and levels changed to incorrect values when
transferred into New Game + mode.
● Fixes rare issue whereby player level was not raised to 30 when starting New Game + from
certain save files.
● Fixes New Game + mode issue whereby some loot found in world could have level requirement
in excess of 70.
● Fixes issue whereby some herbs were not correctly transferring into New Game + mode.
● Fixes issue whereby using Whirl ability against foes armed with heavy weapons could block
regeneration of Stamina.
● Fixes issue whereby players could not cause Geralt to walk if attempting to do so while aiming
● Fixes issue whereby foes struck by Aard Sign would always fall opposite to direction in which
they were facing, even when struck in the back.
● Fixes issue in New Game + mode whereby armor and weapons crafted prior to installation of
1.10 patch would change in terms of level and statistics subsequent to loading of a relevant
game save.
● [PC] Fixes corrupted characters in names of preset graphics settings in Options menu.
● Fixes issue whereby no screenshots were displayed for game saves when choosing save file to
start New Game +.
● Fixes handful of textual issues in descriptions of Trophies in Korean version.
● [XBOX] Improves performance during quest titled In the Heart of the Woods.
● Fixes issue whereby ghouls failed to appear as intended near shrine in White Orchard.
● Fixes issue whereby quest titled Reason of State would be labeled as failed in Journal despite
having been completed.
● Fixes rare issue whereby some players could not find key to stable in quest titled Payback.
● Fixes multiple issues whereby updates of objectives in Journal and Character entries would
appear out of order.
● Fixes rare issue with whereby incorrect scene was triggered in quest titled From a Land Far, Far
● Fixes rare issue whereby quest titled Little Red occasionally could not be progressed.
● Fixes issue whereby, if relevant crystal was given to Yennefer in Skellige, characters would not
appear correctly in megascope scene in quest titled Redania's Most Wanted.
● Fixes rare issue whereby some gameplay functionalities remained locked after quest titled
Through Time and Space was completed.
● Adds monetary reward for completion of quest titled Without a Trace.
● Fixes issue in New Game + mode whereby container with treasure would disappear when
approached in quest titled Berengar's Blade.
● Fixes issue whereby crystal required in quest titled Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear could not
be found.
● [PC] Adds option to show/hide HUD/Minimap
using single press of 'Home' key on keyboard.
● Fixes issue whereby quest location names appeared in duplicate in Quests tab in Journal if
quest did not have a suggested level assigned.
[تصویر:  bazb_thevideogamegallery_29143_1200x1697.jpg]
سلام میگم من بازی ویچر 3 رو تا اپدیت 1.06 اپدیت کردم بعد رفتم اپدیت 1.07 رو نصب کنم و این ارور رو میداد """Game installation not found,please reinstall""" بعد رفتم این ریجسری رو دانلود کردم ک یجورایی فایل نصبی نمیشه با نوت پد بازش کرد

:-/رفتم چک کردم دیدم حتی اپدیت هایی م قبلا رو نصب کرده بودم{منظورم اپدیت هایه 1.02 و 1.03 و 1.04 و 1.05 و 1.06 } هم الان میزنم باز همچین اروری میده"""Game installation not found,please reinstall"""

:-/رفتم چک کردم دیدم حتی اپدیت هایی م قبلا رو نصب کرده بودم{منظورم اپدیت هایه 1.02 و 1.03 و 1.04 و 1.05 و 1.06 } هم الان میزنم باز همچین اروری میده"""Game installation not found,please reinstall"""
چرا دونه دونه اپدیت می کنی ؟
یک عکس از ریجستری بزار
Evil Always Find a Way 
[تصویر:  lcrm3sb41tlrjlr98p.jpg]

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