ارسالها: 1,438
موضوعها: 11
تاریخ عضویت: May 2014
پلتفرم های شما:
(03-30-2016, 01:49 PM)Ervin نوشته است: سلام من به مشکلی دارم این مواد رادیو اکتیو خوردم جونم از سمت راست نارنجی شده و هر کاری میکنم نمیره! چجوری بر طرفش کنم
باید از Radaway استفاده بکنید. این مواد توی دنیای بازی به راحتی میشه پیدا کرد. برای استفاده از اون باید Pip-boy رو بالا بیارید و توی صفحه اول، گزینه Radaway رو بزنید تا از این ماده استفاده بکنه
ارسالها: 10
موضوعها: 3
تاریخ عضویت: Sep 2015
ممنون از راهنماییتون یه سوال دیگ من چجوری پایگاه بزنم؟ و افراد دگه رو دعوت کنم که بیان؟
ارسالها: 3,464
موضوعها: 257
تاریخ عضویت: Mar 2014
پلتفرم های شما:
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- Mobile
DLC جدید بازی منتشر شد.
حجم DLC 179 هست.
این DLC نیازمند نسخه های زیر است.
ارسالها: 158
موضوعها: 5
تاریخ عضویت: Sep 2013
پلتفرم های شما:
(03-31-2016, 06:38 PM)Ervin نوشته است: ممنون از راهنماییتون یه سوال دیگ من چجوری پایگاه بزنم؟ و افراد دگه رو دعوت کنم که بیان؟
ماموریتای minutemen اکثرشون اینه که بری و به مردم یه منطقه ای کمک کنی بعد که بهشون کمک کردی اون ناحیه یجور پایگاهت به حساب میاد باید بری اون دستگاه قرمزارو پیدا کنی تا پایگارو شخصی سازی کنی.واسه دعوت کردن مردمم میتونی برج رادیو بزنی تو منطقت.
ارسالها: 6,658
موضوعها: 683
تاریخ عضویت: Sep 2013
آپدیت 1.5 بازی توسط کدکس منتشر شد.
Fallout 4 Update v1.5-CODEX
Size: 1.0 GB
کد: Update v1.5:
New Features
New Survival difficulty
Survival adds additional challenges including no fast travel, saving only when you sleep, increased lethality, diseases, fatigue, danger and more. See the in-game Help menu for more details.
Characters set to Survival difficulty appear under their own Character Selection filter
Third person camera movement improvements when player is close up against walls and other objects
General stability and performance improvements
Fixed rare crash related to reloading a save that relies on Automatron
Fixed issue with the robot workbench camera not moving properly immediately after canceling out of the menu
Fixed issue with perks being repeatedly added when reloading a saved game while in robot workbench
Fixed issue with Ada not properly traveling to an assigned settlement
Robots can now be assigned as settlement vendors
Fixed issue with "Appropriation" where blueprints would not appear properly if the container had already been looted prior to getting the quest
In "The Nuclear Option," entering the Institute using the targeting helmet on Power Armor no longer inadvertently causes the player to go into combat, and become stuck in the Institute
Fixed distance check with Robotics Expert perk
While in Workshop mode, if the Jump button is remapped, the Y or Triangle button can still be used to jump
Fixed issue with "Defend the Castle" where speaking to Ronnie Shaw would not properly complete the quest
During "The Nuclear Option," fast traveling away from the Institute immediately after inserting the relay targeting sequence holotape will no longer block progression
Fixed issue where Workshop placed light bulbs would occasionally not light properly
Fixed occasional flashing issue with entering and exiting Power Armor
Fixed issue where terminals would not work properly after downloading and initializing an Add-On from the Add-Ons menu
ارسالها: 3,464
موضوعها: 257
تاریخ عضویت: Mar 2014
پلتفرم های شما:
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- Playstation 3
- Playstation 4
- xbox one
- Wii U
- Mobile
ارسالها: 3,464
موضوعها: 257
تاریخ عضویت: Mar 2014
پلتفرم های شما:
- PC
- Playstation 3
- Playstation 4
- xbox one
- Wii U
- Mobile
امروز آخرین DLC داستانی بازی کرک و منتشر شد و به همراه اون آپدیت جدید برای بازی منتشر شد.
آپدیت بازی توسط گروه Codex و 3DM کرک شد.
لیست تغییراتی که برای نسخه 3dm منتشر شده.
کد: Fallout 4 1.5 Update Release Notes (Version 1.5.157)
New Features
New Survival difficulty
Survival adds additional challenges including no fast travel, saving only when you sleep, increased lethality, diseases, fatigue, danger and more. See the in-game Help menu for more details.
Characters set to Survival difficulty appear under their own Character Selection filter
Third person camera movement improvements when player is close up against walls and other objects
General stability and performance improvements
Fixed rare crash related to reloading a save that relies on Automatron
Fixed issue with the robot workbench camera not moving properly immediately after canceling out of the menu
Fixed issue with perks being repeatedly added when reloading a saved game while in robot workbench
Fixed issue with Ada not properly traveling to an assigned settlement
Robots can now be assigned as settlement vendors
Fixed issue with "Appropriation" where blueprints would not appear properly if the container had already been looted prior to getting the quest
In "The Nuclear Option," entering the Institute using the targeting helmet on Power Armor no longer inadvertently causes the player to go into combat, and become stuck in the Institute
Fixed distance check with Robotics Expert perk
While in Workshop mode, if the Jump button is remapped, the Y or Triangle button can still be used to jump
Fixed issue with "Defend the Castle" where speaking to Ronnie Shaw would not properly complete the quest
During "The Nuclear Option," fast traveling away from the Institute immediately after inserting the relay targeting sequence holotape will no longer block progression
Fixed issue where Workshop placed light bulbs would occasionally not light properly
Fixed occasional flashing issue with entering and exiting Power Armor
Fixed issue where terminals would not work properly after downloading and initializing an Add-On from the Add-Ons menu
نکته: برای نصب این DLC باید آپدیت 1.04 و 1.05 رو نصب کنید.
آپدیت 1.05 شامل دو DLC قبلی بازی یعنی Automatron and Wasteland Workshop است.
نکته 2: آپدیت 1.04 که در اینجا قرار میدم ن حجمش از 1.9GB به 500MB توسط گروه Xdelta فشرده شده است.
ارسالها: 769
موضوعها: 20
تاریخ عضویت: Jan 2016
05-19-2016, 10:53 PM
(آخرین ویرایش: 05-19-2016, 10:53 PM، توسط Writer Bot.)
(05-19-2016, 10:19 PM)مجیدنصر نوشته است:
امروز آخرین DLC داستانی بازی کرک و منتشر شد و به همراه اون آپدیت جدید برای بازی منتشر شد.
آپدیت بازی توسط گروه Codex و 3DM کرک شد.
لیست تغییراتی که برای نسخه 3dm منتشر شده.
کد: Fallout 4 1.5 Update Release Notes (Version 1.5.157)
New Features
New Survival difficulty
Survival adds additional challenges including no fast travel, saving only when you sleep, increased lethality, diseases, fatigue, danger and more. See the in-game Help menu for more details.
Characters set to Survival difficulty appear under their own Character Selection filter
Third person camera movement improvements when player is close up against walls and other objects
General stability and performance improvements
Fixed rare crash related to reloading a save that relies on Automatron
Fixed issue with the robot workbench camera not moving properly immediately after canceling out of the menu
Fixed issue with perks being repeatedly added when reloading a saved game while in robot workbench
Fixed issue with Ada not properly traveling to an assigned settlement
Robots can now be assigned as settlement vendors
Fixed issue with "Appropriation" where blueprints would not appear properly if the container had already been looted prior to getting the quest
In "The Nuclear Option," entering the Institute using the targeting helmet on Power Armor no longer inadvertently causes the player to go into combat, and become stuck in the Institute
Fixed distance check with Robotics Expert perk
While in Workshop mode, if the Jump button is remapped, the Y or Triangle button can still be used to jump
Fixed issue with "Defend the Castle" where speaking to Ronnie Shaw would not properly complete the quest
During "The Nuclear Option," fast traveling away from the Institute immediately after inserting the relay targeting sequence holotape will no longer block progression
Fixed issue where Workshop placed light bulbs would occasionally not light properly
Fixed occasional flashing issue with entering and exiting Power Armor
Fixed issue where terminals would not work properly after downloading and initializing an Add-On from the Add-Ons menu
نکته: برای نصب این DLC باید آپدیت 1.04 و 1.05 رو نصب کنید.
آپدیت 1.05 شامل دو DLC قبلی بازی یعنی Automatron and Wasteland Workshop است.
نکته 2: آپدیت 1.04 که در اینجا قرار میدم ن حجمش از 1.9GB به 500MB توسط گروه Xdelta فشرده شده است.
حجم نسخه کامل DLC این عنوان 2.37 گیگ هست مجید جان
ارسالها: 3,464
موضوعها: 257
تاریخ عضویت: Mar 2014
پلتفرم های شما:
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- Playstation 3
- Playstation 4
- xbox one
- Wii U
- Mobile
در مدت همایش بتسدا از ۳ محتوای جدید بازی Fallout 4 رونمایی شد که شامل Contraptions Workshop و Vault-Tec Workshop میشوند که تنظیمات جدید ساخت و ساز را در اختیار بازیکنان قرار میدهند. [font=yekan, tahoma, arial]در این بسته الحاقی، بستدا آیتمهای هرچه بیشتری را شامل تسمه نقاله، ماشینهایی برای مرتبسازی و در نتیجه بهبود تجربه بازیکنان از Fallout 4 ارائه میدهد.[/font]
[font=yekan, tahoma, arial]این بسته الحاقی امروز توسط گروه Codex کرک و با حجم 314 مگابایت منتشر شد.[/font]
[font=yekan, tahoma, arial]لینک های دانلود[/font]
ارسالها: 3,464
موضوعها: 257
تاریخ عضویت: Mar 2014
پلتفرم های شما:
- PC
- Playstation 3
- Playstation 4
- xbox one
- Wii U
- Mobile
آپدیت 1.5.4 بازی توسط گروه CODEX منتشر شد.
حجم آپدیت 160 مگ هست.
لیست تغییرات
کد: changelog :
Update v1.5.4:
Fallout 4 1.5.4 Update
Increased space for Mod text on Mod details page for improved readability
Load Order menu now displays text about each Mod when highlighted
Most Popular filter now toggles between Daily, Weekly and All Time (defaults to Daily)
Reporting categories added when reporting a mod
Load Order menu displays options to Disable or Delete All Mods
Count of ratings now appears on Mod details page
General stability and performance improvements
Fixed issue with weapons and armor losing mods and Legendary status when removed from armor and weapon racks (Contraptions)
Improved stability when reinitializing with certain mods loaded
Mod menu will check available space before starting mod downloads
Fixed issue with certain mods not downloading properly
Fixed issue with certain mods not appearing properly in the Load Order menu
The Add Ons menu is erroneously displaying Vault Tec Workshop and Nuka-World as Available. We are working with Valve to resolve.