(05-10-2015, 10:00 PM)danial_fire17 نوشته است: اقا تورو خدا شما چطور بازی رو اجرا می کنید ؟؟
بازی رو پاک کردم از اول نصب کردمش همش هم طبق اموزش صفحه اول از کرک ریلودد و اون تبدیل به استیم و اپدیت 5
رو لانچر که کلیک مینکم هیچی نمیاره !! :( :( :( :(
دوست عزیز فایل جدیدی برای نسخه ی ریلودد منتشر شده که مشکلات این نسخه رو بر طرف می کنه.
برای استفاده از این فایل شما تنها کافیه فقط کرک RELODED رو کپی کنید و از PROPER FIXED-RELOADED استفاده کنید.
لینک کرک
اینم راهنمای نصب برای این فیکس جدید
1. Copy the folder Update in the game Main directory.
2. Copy the contents of the folder GTAV Retail.Steam Version in main game folder.
3. Copy the contents of the folder Crack.RLD in the Main game directory.
4. Install Social Club v1.1.5.8 (Latest Version)
5. Block firewall and turn off the Internet.
6. Starting the game with a file GTAVLauncher.exe
اینم لیست تغییرات
• Improved stability and fixed several crashes and hangs while transitioning between Jobs in GTA Online.
• Fixed an issue where certain players were unable to exit their garages while inside of a personal vehicle.
• Fixed an issue where the game could freeze if you were robbing a store while someone else was attempting to buy snacks there.
• A rare issue has been fixed where some players received a “Purchase Failed” error when attempting to buy apartments.
• Fixed an issue where players would be asked to quit the game while using text chat in Golf and pressing the “E” key.
• GTA Online characters can now be added to your shortlist in the Rockstar Editor.
Fixed several clipping issues that occurred when taking Snapmatic selfies.
• One-on-One Vehicle Deathmatches in Free Roam will now properly spawn all participants in vehicles.
• Fixed a Steam-only issue where you could not alt-tab back into GTAV if you alt-tabbed out while the Steam overlay was active.
• Various fixes to bring improved patch download speeds.
• Improvements to matchmaking so players that have good connections to each other are matched together more frequently.
• Fixed a Steam-only issue where players could not use Mexican Spanish as a subtitle language.
• General stability fixes for director mode and video editor.
• Various crash fixes.
(05-10-2015, 10:06 PM)mjsh نوشته است: مشکل من اینه که بعد تبدیل نسخه ام از 3dm به reloaded یه کمی تو بعضی جاها تیک میزنه تا جایی که یه بار 2 ثانیه ای بازی وایساد. این مشکل رو با همون تنظیمات گرافیکی تو نسخه 3dm نداشتم. به نظرتون با کاهش تنظیمات گرافیکی درست میشه؟ هنوز امتحان نکردم آخه.
از فایل جدیدی که در صفحه ی 83 قرار دادم استفاده کنید.
به احتمال مشکلان نسخه ی RELODED بر طرف خواهد شد.